Enjoy the facilities at one of the many equestrian centres near the lakelands.
Fully licenced 54 seater motor cruiser.
Phone: 00353 (0)43 41004
Flowerhill is based on 250 acres of beautiful east Galway country side. We are surrounded by the best possible cross-country and horse riding environment including green fields, woodlands, the Kilcrow river and wonderful wildlife.
Phone: 00353 (0)90 97 76112
Dromod | Roosky
Hayden Equestrian Centre, Dromod, Co. Leitrim, has been serving the Irish Equine world since 1986.
Phone: 00353 (0)71 9638049
Phone: 071 964 1500
We had a great time on the Shannon..
We had a fantastic time on the river Shannon and Erne..
The services around the booking worked really well...
Book a cruise this season and get 30% off with Emerald Star
Book a Cruise with Carrick Craft and get 20% off any duration